Before RSL-AZ traveled to Texas for the Dallas Cup, the academy players helped US Soccer in their National “B” Coaching License certification. This is the second time that US Soccer has held coaching license courses at Grande Sports World this year. The first time was in the second week of January when they held “A”, “B” and “C” certification.
The majority of the Academy players were on spring break while U.S. Soccer was here and a handful participated in numerous drills led by the coaches earning their certification.
Over 20+ coaches from all over the U.S. participated in the certification and as always our guests raved about the experience.
“It’s gorgeous and fantastic,” said Jeremy Wilson, Premier Director of Sporting Connecticut. “You have the opportunity to come out here and work in this environment. The fields are beautiful, the food is awesome and the gym is world class.”
“I’m in the Midwest so I’m not used to playing with palm trees and mountains all around,” added Megan Remec, Women’s Assistant Coach at Elmhurst college. “This is gorgeous. It’s a great facility and a great set up here.”
Another benefit for Grande Sports Academy is that it is an opportunity for us to show off our players.
“Absolutely look at what you guys have provided,” said Travis Masterson, when asked if Grande Sports Academy is the example of how all academies should be run. “The environment and the soccer environment. This is what it ought to be.”
Below are some shots from the week