My name is Josh Goss and I grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque is a mediocre sized city that is overall fairly nice. I have an older brother, a younger sister and a younger brother. I have never met my father, but my family is extremely important to me. My mom is always that rock that every person needs and my little brother who is almost five years old has the same love for soccer and excitement that I still have. My club team in Albuquerque won three state soccer championships in a row and we did have a bit of quality. Unfortunately, the name of our team was the Stingers and maybe that is a part of why we struggled in Regional’s every year. I never will forget where I came from because the people have taught me to be where I am today and where I see myself being in the future.
I was part of the inaugural group that came to Grande Sports Academy in August 2010 and was the first soccer player to arrive. Leaving home of course is always tough and for me the hardest thing was leaving my little brother. Not getting to watch him grow up these couple years and experience the excitement he has everyday was tough. He started playing for a soccer team and I can’t wait to see him play. I always value any time I get at home and it has helped me realize how much the people in my life mean to me. Since I moved here, I have enjoyed playing every day and being on the team that made it to Nationals. I have never experienced anything like that in my life. The Stingers never came close to anything like that. The trip to Milwaukee was a great week and I will never forget it. We played great soccer and even though we came in third I know we were the best soccer team there.
Since I was young I have always dreamed of playing professional. The idea of getting paid to play the greatest game on earth appeals to me very much. I dream of playing at Manchester United, but anywhere else would also be incredible. To have people pay to watch me play absolutely blows my mind. However, I do realize that I will not play forever, and therefore, I have committed to the University of New Mexico. The school is very solid and it has a great soccer program and I am confident that if I play well I will get the opportunity to be seen. If I do not get signed, then at least I will still be going on a strong path towards my education. I will continue working on and off the pitch to reach the level I want to play and live. Living in Albuquerque and Casa Grande has helped me grow and learn how to live life the right way and I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have been given.