Every Friday morning the coaches & staff play a “friendly” soccer game against some of the Academy players who have school off.
Assistant Coach Tony Bruce wrote the recap below. Enjoy!
Wapo’s Vs Tronkinho’s
Up 4-1 at halftime, it looked like the Fabulous Wapo’s 350 game winning streak might be in jeopardy, but alas the Tronkinho’s could not hold on as Eric (I’m retiring but I’m keeping the yellow jersey) Gonzalez concede a million goals in the game. Te (I’m celebrating with our fans, oh noooo!!! Martin has scored again on a counter) Atawhogi thought he had finally found his range but Nacho (Wait I’m shutting down my computer) Hernandez was up to the task. Jason (I can’t believe we lost again and Tony scored a hat –trick) Eng, commiserated with Haeden (My foots still broken) Turner as the game slipped away.
The three Mousekateers Pato (I don’t get beat this bad in Queretaro) Cevallos, Renzo (The Andes are calling!!) De Olave and Octavio (I would like to thank all the fans who made the long journey from the PC) De La Torre could not capture the midfield from Freddy (I scored again, Eric where were you?) Juarez and Mike (Track-Star you bet!!!) Kraus.
The double-headed monster that was Martin (Who was the guy in the yellow jersey? Was that Eric??)Vasquez and Tony (They’ve all gone quite over there!!!) Bruce just kept crashing in goals as the game ended as a spectacle for the away fans who silently trudged out of the field 6 stands drowning their sorrows with the green looking squeeze bottles. Making a special appearance for the Wapo’s was Andy (tricks and flicks) Williams, who mesmerized the Tronkinho’s with his footwork.
As the season draws to a close, the Tronkinho’s can look back at all the close games (none) and the chances they had to capture the Champion’s League Trophy (No chance Ha Ha Ha!!!!!) and the amazing following they brought to the final game of the season (The Tronkinho Army) last seen heading in the direction of the PC.
The Tronkinho’s will get another chance next year to try to match up with the Invincible Wapo’s.